The Bulgarian Association of University Women



Kornelia Slavova
The Debates Surrounding the Usage, Meanings and Translations of “Gender”
Krasimira Daskalova
Women’s History, Feminism and Frames of Interpretation
Tatyana Stoicheva
Gender and Nationalism
Tatyana Kotzeva
Equality versus Difference(s): The Ongoing Feminist Debate
Ralitsa Muharska
Gender and Language
Kornelia Slavova
Gender in Literary Theory and Criticism
Milena Kirova
Psychoanalysis Writes Gender
Amelia Licheva
Theorising the Female Voice: Philosophy and Justification
Milena Kirova
The Pleasure Deriving from Pleasure or “Female” Eroticism as a Paradigm of Post¬modern Knowledge
Emilia Dvoryanova
Pleasure Denied
Katya Staneva
Collage as Interpretation: Women’s Identifications During the Bulgarian Revival